Saturday, November 13, 2010


Recession hit unemployed Americans made the most powerful man on this earth to shiver. He had no alternative except   to do outsourcing with India.
Destitute US need jobs, the main reason for American eagle’s visit. Deals worth $10 billion were signed which created 50k opportunities in the other part of the world.
There is a clamor for American leadership in Asia, as none of the regional player wants CHINA to emerge as the dominating actor.
Obama is visiting Asia for the second time during his tenure. In 2009 he visited China. 2009 was the time when he was at his peak power domestically. He was dictating contour of his dominating political agenda, craven opposition. He wanted to use China as the fulcrum between Asia-Pacific relations. Time runs constantly and so did China. China’s fast growing economy and political clout are posing danger. It has started behaving as the superpower that has already emerged. It has started asserting its military profile in the region.
These all issues have made USians to use their brains……… and here comes the entry of INDIA! The denouement for US.
With Asia slipping, Pakistan going with china, Afghanistan revolting, US bids India for UNSC. He says NAMESTE INDIA… JAI O!!!!!.  HENCE PROOVED America wants India. India is no doubt the next superpower and can help US to suppress China. This shows the destitute state of America. But but but…. in spite of all these facts, needs and purveyed by India, he is hubris enough to say dominatingly that India should interfere in Burma. Here is anecdotal. As Burmese are in need and appealing India for help, India should extend her hand before china. Obama behaved sangfroid as he denied any comments on Kashmir thus officially not going against Islamabad.
Media did miss a point in the Obama’s speech. Pakistan dominated the discussion. But he did indirectly grotesque china.
Now when India and US are cronies we need to work hard this new relationship.
Or is this new relationship vague??
I hope not because we need America more than America needs us……………………………………


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